10 Easy and Simple Additions to Make Your Home “SMART”

10 Easy and Simple Additions to Make Your Home “SMART”

It’s becoming easier and easier for people to start automating their homes with technology. Since there’s not a shortage of companies and start up ventures rolling out products like automated lights, thermostats, and air conditioners, turning a home ‘SMART’ can be a relatively simple process. Keep reading for 10 easy things you can do to…

25+ Amazing Facts About the Lunar Eclipse

25+ Amazing Facts About the Lunar Eclipse

Perhaps you have already encountered the full moon changing its natural off-white color into a bloody red hue. This might seem terrifying, especially if people have no idea of such occurrence. Sufficient knowledge would allow one to understand that such spectacle is only a lunar eclipse. What is a Lunar Eclipse? A lunar eclipse is…

5 Ways to Power Your Eco-Friendly Home with Renewable Energy

5 Ways to Power Your Eco-Friendly Home with Renewable Energy

For the past few decades, environmentalists have been warning about rapid depletion of natural fuel resources, and it seems homeowners around the world are finally waking up to the need for a mass switch to renewable energy. Back in 2016, renewable energy accounted for nearly 40% of the growth in global power generation, and it’s…

Sinkholes: How Do They Form and Types of Sinkholes

Sinkholes: How Do They Form and Types of Sinkholes

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), sinkholes are pits in the ground that occur in areas where water collects without external drainage. Essentially, a sinkhole is any hole in the ground formed by erosion and the drainage of water. It can be just a few meters across or large enough to swallow a…

Thunderstorm: Formation, Types and Effects

Thunderstorm: Formation, Types and Effects

A thunderstorm is basically a storm characterized by lightning and thunder. Also known as electrical storms, lightning storms, or thundershowers, thunderstorms are caused by an updraft that occurs when warm, moist air rises up into the atmosphere. Then, the updraft forms a cumulus cloud, which eventually becomes the thunderstorm cloud. Thunderstorms are normally accompanied by…

What is Solar Eclipse and Various Types of Solar Eclipse

What is Solar Eclipse and Various Types of Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon gets in between the Sun and the Earth. Some solar eclipses may be termed partial solar eclipse or full solar eclipse depending on whether the Moon partially or completely blocks the Sun. Syzygy is the term used when the Sun and a new moon are in conjunction as…

What is the Kuiper Belt?

What is the Kuiper Belt?

The Kuiper Belt, or the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt is a disc (circumstellar) found at the outer most regions of our solar system. This extends from Neptune’s orbit at approximately thirty (30) AU to about fifty (50) AU from our sun. The Kuiper belt is somewhat similar to the asteroid belt in terms of composition but as…

What is a Black Hole and Types of Black Holes

What is a Black Hole and Types of Black Holes

Simply stated, a black hole is a place where the pull of gravity is so immense that not even light can escape. This includes all types of particles and even all forms of electromagnetic radiation. In Einstein’s general theory of relativity, he states that black holes compresses all types of mass into a tiny space….

30+ Exhilarating Facts About the Solar System

30+ Exhilarating Facts About the Solar System

Since childhood, we have been studying the solar system and making models of it. But there is still a lot of interesting facts about the solar system that we have never known. With new technologies springing up every minute we turn out heads, we get to study the solar system with more accuracy, clarity, and…

The Most Carbon Efficient Ways to Travel

The Most Carbon Efficient Ways to Travel

Green energy has been a big topic in recent years, as electricity from burning fossil fuels generates more greenhouse gases (GHG) than any other human activity. Governments are now funding renewable energy production including wind farming, solar energy and tidal power. Setting up incentives such as Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) or the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive…

40+ Stupendous Facts About the Sun

40+ Stupendous Facts About the Sun

The Sun controls all aspects of our lives: Our food, our climates, and our bodies. We literally live inside the Sun’s atmosphere. We, as well as other planets, satellites, and other objects in the solar system, are greatly influenced by the Sun. The Sun is growing more powerful every day and scientists project that in…

45+ Staggering Facts About the Planet Uranus

45+ Staggering Facts About the Planet Uranus

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun, third-largest in terms of size after Jupiter and Saturn, fourth massive planet and second (2nd) least dense planet in our Solar system. Uranus is tipped over on its side and has an axial tilt of 98 degrees. It is often referred to as an “ice giant” planet. With…

5 Environmentally Responsible Ways to Address a Termite Problem

5 Environmentally Responsible Ways to Address a Termite Problem

Of all the problems homeowners worry about, one of the most common is pest infestation; specifically termites. Any homeowner who’s had the unfortunate experience of enduring a termite infestation understands how devastating it can be. To first address the issue, it’s important to understand the problem. Termites have evolved for one purpose: depreciating the value…

5 Everyday Uses For Solar Energy

5 Everyday Uses For Solar Energy

The natural world has used the sun’s energy since the beginning of time, and while there has been lots of discussion about this, the truth is that the sun is both a problem and a solution. Solar energy is an unchanging constant – a staple in Earth’s very existence. The sun may not have changed,…

35 Splendid Facts About the Planet Neptune

35 Splendid Facts About the Planet Neptune

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. This makes it the most distant planet in the solar system. It was first discovered in 1846 and is the fourth largest planet in the solar system. It is so big that about 60 Earths could fit inside it. Neptune is smaller than all the other gas giants in…