40 Interesting Facts About the Milky Way Galaxy

40 Interesting Facts About the Milky Way Galaxy

The Sun and all the planets around it are part of what is known as the Milky Way Galaxy. It is our home galaxy and one of the billions of galaxies in the universe. The term “milky” is derived from the galaxy’s appearance from Earth – a band of light in the night sky formed…

10 Disposable Items You Should Stop Buying to Live Zero-Waste and Minimalist Lifestyle

10 Disposable Items You Should Stop Buying to Live Zero-Waste and Minimalist Lifestyle

Thеrе hаѕ bееn a lоt оf buуіng оf іtеmѕ globally bу thе masses, whісh trаnѕlаtеѕ tо trаѕhіng of thе іtеmѕ in the еnvіrоnmеnt. Aѕ such, thеrе is a nееd tо adopt іdеаѕ that еnѕurе healthy lіvіng. This саn bе асhіеvеd thrоugh zеrо wаѕtе аnd a mіnіmаlіѕt lіfеѕtуlе. Thе fоrmеr іѕ mаdе possible by thе reuse…

The Calvin Cycle: Definition, Steps and Products

The Calvin Cycle: Definition, Steps and Products

All living organisms on Earth have carbon present in their systems. Carbon is an essential component that makes up the complex molecules of various organisms, humans included. The presence of carbon in living organisms distinguishes them from inorganic elements whose compounds lack the said element. Without carbon, biomolecules such as carbohydrates would never be completed….

40+ Amazing Facts About the Space

40+ Amazing Facts About the Space

The space is as beautiful as it is massive and mysterious at the same time. You could just stare at the night sky and wonder what lies beyond the gallant moon and the countless stars. While it is a known fact that the universe holds trillions of heavenly bodies stationed across the infinite universe, there…

What is Force and Types of Forces?

What is Force and Types of Forces?

If you see people walking or running across a pavement or a narrow street, have you ever wondered what allows them to do such? Or have you asked yourself what makes you move from a place to another? The answer all boils down to a scientific concept which we unknowingly take advantage of every single…

What is Migration and Types of Migration?

What is Migration and Types of Migration?

Across periods of time, we have been witnessing the variations of populations across different nations around the world. These variations would either be about the increase in the number of people living in an area, or the decrease in such number. We call this movement of people in and out of populations as migration. Migration…

Understanding Step by Step Process of Photosynthesis in Plants

Understanding Step by Step Process of Photosynthesis in Plants

Photosynthesis is the process through which plants convert light energy from the sun to chemical energy. The chemical energy is then stored as sugar. During the process of photosynthesis, plants capture light energy and use it to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen (released into the air) and glucose (stored in the plant and…

How Window Awnings Can Reduce Your Energy Costs?

How Window Awnings Can Reduce Your Energy Costs?

People are looking into fresh and innovative solutions for going green and preserving energy. However, a green solution does not have to be fancy to be effective. We can simply look into the old days and see how people handled certain things back then, to find out how we can do them more environmentally-friendly now….

What are Various Types of Forests and The Importance of Forests?

What are Various Types of Forests and The Importance of Forests?

Simply defined, a forest is a vast area including a large group of trees. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Forest is a minimum “Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent or trees able to reach these thresholds in…

Types and Solutions of Land Pollution

Types and Solutions of Land Pollution

Land pollution is one of the main types of pollution hurting the earth. It refers to the destruction or degradation of earth’s surface, directly or indirectly due to anthropogenic activities. Any activity that undermines the quality or productivity of the land as a suitable place for agriculture, wildlife, construction, forestation, etc. falls under land pollution….

Causes and Effects of Illegal Immigration

Causes and Effects of Illegal Immigration

When you move across borders from your country to another country, you need to have certain legal documents and follow defined immigration laws of the destination country. If you move into the country without the necessary legal documents or violates the immigration laws, then you will have committed illegal immigration. You will be termed as…

Causes and Effects of Overfishing

Causes and Effects of Overfishing

Overfishing is yet another environmental issue which means consumption of a species of fish from a body of water at a rate which is outpacing its natural reproduction. According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), “overfishing occurs when more fish are caught than the population can replenish through natural reproduction.“ While overfishing sounds like a lucrative…

What is a Galaxy and Types of Galaxies?

What is a Galaxy and Types of Galaxies?

All stars are linked by gravity forces, so they have a common movement. For us, the most important is our galaxy called the Milky Way. Seeing it from long distance, our galaxy looks like a diluted cloud. In the central part of our galaxy, there are about 100 billion stars. Our Solar System is located…

What are Sunspots and How are Sunspots Formed?

What are Sunspots and How are Sunspots Formed?

Sunspots are temporary phenomena that occur on the Sun’s photosphere which appear as spots darker than the areas surrounding it. These regions reduce the surface temperature which are caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux and inhibit convection. Sunspots usually appear in pairs of opposite magnetic polarity. The numbers of these sunspots vary per year….

What is an Ecosystem? Structure and Types of Ecosystem

What is an Ecosystem? Structure and Types of Ecosystem

An ecosystem is a community of plants and animals interrelating with each other in a particular area, as well as with their non-living environments. The non-living environments encompass atmosphere, weather, sun, soil, and climate. An ecosystem can be expansive, with several hundreds of different flora and fauna all living with a delicate balance, or it…