35 Phenomenal Facts About the Planet Pluto

35 Phenomenal Facts About the Planet Pluto

Pluto was discovered in 1930 and is the second closest dwarf planet to the Sun. Pluto’s diameter is close to 2,370 km (1473 miles) and orbits in a region called the Kuiper Belt. Pluto is one of the coldest places in the solar system as it is far way from the Sun. It hasn’t even completed one…

What are Gas Giants? (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

What are Gas Giants? (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

A gas giant is a gargantuan planet composed mainly of gases that include helium and hydrogen with a comparatively small rocky core. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter are the gas giants of our solar system. These four planets are also called the Jovian Planets after Jupiter because they reside in the outer part of our…

Causes and Effects of Hurricanes

Causes and Effects of Hurricanes

Hurricanes are some of the most destructive kinds of natural disasters today. They cause destruction to property and loss of life every year. According to the National Hurricane Center, the biggest hurricane in the world known as the Great Galveston Hurricane occurred in the United States in the 1900’s. The deadly hurricane resulted in about…

30+ Remarkable Facts About the Planet Jupiter

30+ Remarkable Facts About the Planet Jupiter

Jupiter is one of the most spectacular places in the solar system. It’s named after the Roman king of the gods. Jupiter’s cloud patterns are incredibly complex, constantly changing, multicolored that looks like nothing else in the solar system. Jupiter occurs half a billion miles from Earth, a giant sphere of intrigue. It has the…

Aquatic Plants | Learn about Marine Plant Life

Aquatic Plants | Learn about Marine Plant Life

Aquatic plants are simply plants that live in or around water. The opposite of an aquatic plant is a terrestrial plant, which simply means a plant that lives on land. Aquatic plants occur naturally in bodies of saltwater or freshwater, but they’re also commonly found in aquariums, water gardens, and decorative ponds. Just like terrestrial…

30 Incredible Facts About the Planet Saturn

30 Incredible Facts About the Planet Saturn

The solar system is a beautiful place filled with wonders that astronauts are only beginning to discover. Every year different spacecraft bring back fascinating images of different planets and their compositions. Saturn is one planet in the solar system that these scientists have explored and continue to explore. It’s a beauty with a mystery, a…

Large CO2 Emissions From the Batteries of Electric Cars

Large CO2 Emissions From the Batteries of Electric Cars

If you’re looking to get your hand on an electric car to not only have a sweet ride but one that is contributing towards a safer environment – we urge you to think again. While several reasons back the potential growth of electric vehicles (EV), the most compelling reason to get your hands on this…

35+ Amazing Facts About the Planet Mars

35+ Amazing Facts About the Planet Mars

Mars is one of the most intriguing planets in the solar system. It’s filled with mysteries, including huge canyons approximately 3000 miles across and 6,000 miles deep, volcanoes about 75,000 feet tall, and other fascinating sceneries in our solar system. Water once rule this planet, then disappeared into thin air. With that in mind, let’s…

35 Impressive Facts About the Planet Mercury

35 Impressive Facts About the Planet Mercury

Mercury is the smallest of all the planets in the solar system. It’s also the nearest planet to the Earth. Mercury is even smaller than some moons in the solar system. Despite the fact that Mercury has been observed my humans for over 2000 years, little is known about it compared to other planets in…

49 Breathtaking Facts About the Moon You Can’t afford To Miss

49 Breathtaking Facts About the Moon You Can’t afford To Miss

To almost everyone, the moon appears to be a constantly changing celestial neighbor and only natural satellite, but it has pretty much remained unchanged over time, plus there are a plethora of satellites roaming the solar system. While the moon has remained unchanged through time, our understanding of it has grown profoundly. Credit to new…

35 Astonishing Facts About the Planet Venus That Will Stir Your Curiosity

35 Astonishing Facts About the Planet Venus That Will Stir Your Curiosity

Venus is considered the most hostile planet in the solar system. Along with Earth and Mars, Venus and Mercury make up the inner solar system. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is the second-largest terrestrial planet but millions of years ago, Venus largely resembled Earth due their similar size and mass. However,…

35+ Outstanding Facts About the Planet Earth

35+ Outstanding Facts About the Planet Earth

Earth is the most unique planet in the solar system since it supports a wide range of plant and animal species, both terrestrial and aquatic. Planet Earth is also home to over 7 billion people, yet the vast majority of them know little about it. If you’re among the people who barely know about Planet…

Composting as a Waste Recycling Technique

Composting as a Waste Recycling Technique

Recycling of organic waste for the purpose of improving crop productivity and for maintenance of soil quality is of very high economic importance. Composting can be described as a microbiological method that is both safe and non-polluting technique of disposal as well as recycling of organic wastes through the bioconversion of organic wastes to fertilizers….

The Importance of Recycling to the Environment

The Importance of Recycling to the Environment

Usually, recycling means turning used materials labelled as ‘Recyclable’ in a disposer container where these are meant to be taken and reuse as materials for new products. Recyclable products are used as the raw materials for new products. As the number of our natural resources is decreasing day by day and if this continues nothing…

Taiga (Boreal Forest) Biome: Temperature, Climate, Location, Plants, Animals

Taiga (Boreal Forest) Biome: Temperature, Climate, Location, Plants, Animals

Taiga biome is derived from the Russian word, meaning forest. Despite that fact that it’s the largest terrestrial biome in the world, it’s a cold and lonely place, and many people are not familiar with the name. Although Taiga biome is so cold and remote, humans have had a deep influence here. Ancient humans hunted…