Types, Causes and Effects of Droughts

Types, Causes and Effects of Droughts

The entire human, plant and animal life spins around water. Lack of water can bring a region to its knees. Some regions entirely depend on agriculture for survival and when lack of water persists; their futures are literally dried up. But it’s not just farmers that need water to get by; industries, cities, and animals…

Various Causes and Effects of Torandoes

Various Causes and Effects of Torandoes

The weather is a strange thing. One day it can be cold and rainy; the next day, it’s perfectly warm and sunny for sandals and bikinis on the beach. Humans have managed to develop products that enable them to handle many kinds of weather. For example, when it rains, an umbrella comes along way. When…

Causes, Effects and Types of Landslides

Causes, Effects and Types of Landslides

Landslides are among the many natural disasters causing massive destructions and loss of lives across the globe. According to a survey study by the International Landslide Centre at Durham University, UK, 2,620 fatal landslides occurred between 2004 and 2010. These landslides resulted in the death of over 32,322 people. The figure does not include landslides…

What is an Ozone Hole and Causes and Effects of Ozone Depletion?

What is an Ozone Hole and Causes and Effects of Ozone Depletion?

Life on Earth has been protected for thousands of years with a vital layer of poison in the atmosphere. This layer serves as a shield that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. As far as we know, it is unique to our planet. If it disappeared, ultraviolet sunlight would sterilize the…

20+ Solid Reasons to Stop Deforestation That You Need to Know Today

20+ Solid Reasons to Stop Deforestation That You Need to Know Today

Deforestation persists to be one of the biggest environmental challenges in the world. More and more forests are cleared to create room for farming and the extraction of timber among other raw materials. In many parts of the world, the original forest cover areas have been reduced by more than 20% and some areas have…

How is Ethanol Made and Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethanol Fuel

How is Ethanol Made and Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethanol Fuel

Overdependence on fossils fuels has led to a hail of environmental problems the universe faces today such as climate change, oil spills, air pollution, and acid rains. Burning of fossils fuels to generate electricity releases dangerous greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, water vapor, methane, and fluorinated gasses that cause the greenhouse effect. For…

What is Ecological Succession?

What is Ecological Succession?

Succession is a series of progressive changes in the composition of an ecological community over time. Succession is directional. Different stages in a particular habitat succession can usually be accurately predicted. Ecological successions are the noticeable changes that occur in an ecological setup over time. These changes are often predictable and take place in an…

Levels, Importance and Main Components of Food Chain

Levels, Importance and Main Components of Food Chain

A Food chain can be defined as the feeding relationship between the different organisms that make up our ecosystem. An ecosystem is a commune of living organisms. The ecosystem also includes the non-living components like, earth, water, fire, air and ether. The living and non-living together form the environment. Within the environment, the living or…

What is Flora and Fauna and Importance of Flora and Fauna

What is Flora and Fauna and Importance of Flora and Fauna

The physical world is composed of living and non-living things. They are generally referred to as the biotic and the abiotic. The abiotic is the physical objects like rivers, mountains, volcanoes and water-bodies. The biotic is the world of flora and fauna. Flora The word “flora” is used to designate plant life. The word “flora”…

10 Striking Reasons of Environmental Degradation

10 Striking Reasons of Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation can be defined as a risk to which the world is exposed. It is termed as pollution. Generally, the term pollution refers to contaminated air, water, soil, besides unclean and unhygienic living areas. Such conditions cause harm to human health and damage to non-human natural world. According to Wikipedia, “Environmental degradation is the…

Advantages and Importance of Reforestation

Advantages and Importance of Reforestation

Reforestation is the consequence of deforestation which according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, is a complete clearance of trees. Deforestation is usually planned and deliberate felling of trees and the land cleared is used for activities which are not related to the forest. The act of re-growing trees in an area or…

Causes, Effects and Solutions of Ozone Layer Depletion

Causes, Effects and Solutions of Ozone Layer Depletion

The Ozone layer is a deep blanket in the stratosphere made up of comparatively high concentration of the ozone. As a result of its chemical composition, ozone is regarded as a special type of oxygen as it contains three oxygen molecules (O3) as opposed to the usual two oxygen molecules (O2). The ozone layer encircles…

What is La Niña and Causes and Effects of La Niña

What is La Niña and Causes and Effects of La Niña

La Niña is a natural event characterized by abnormal cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific. It is actually the opposite of El Niño which is normally realized when the Equatorial Pacific experiences unusual warm ocean temperatures. According to the Australian Bureau of meteorology, La Niña is the positive stage of the El Niño Southern…

What is El Niño and What are Causes and Effects of El Niño

What is El Niño and What are Causes and Effects of El Niño

El Niño is a natural phenomenon experienced in the equatorial Pacific which causes temporary alterations in the world climate. It is normally characterized by complex and abnormally warm ocean temperatures in the Pacific Ocean in the area near the equator which results in global weather events and sea-surface temperature changes. In practical sense, the ocean…

What is a Soil and What are Different Types of Soil?

What is a Soil and What are Different Types of Soil?

Soil is the part of the earth’s surface comprised of disintegrated rock and humus that provides the medium for plant growth. The development of soil takes time, between hundreds and thousands of years, and consists of diverse materials which are both inorganic and organic. The inorganic materials are the non-living aspects of the soil such…