Does Eco-friendly Food Packaging Benefit The Environment?


Nowadays, most companies across various industries, especially food and beverage, are interested in going green with their packaging. They’re shifting to eco-friendly food packaging that utilizes materials with minimal impact on the environment, from production to post-use.

A large amount of energy is used when manufacturing traditional packaging materials like plastic. Besides helping the environment, eco-friendly packaging also requires fewer materials to make hence saving on costs.

Many consumers are also more biased now and prefer to work with brands that support green initiatives. Your packaging is the first thing your customers connect to before getting to what’s inside. Ensure that it makes a great first impression. You could also kill two birds with one stone by using packaging that appeals to eco-friendly customers.

What Exactly is Eco-friendly Food Packaging?

We have mentioned that more and more companies that are into sustainability are shifting towards eco-friendly packaging, but what exactly does that mean? In a nutshell, this is any biodegradable packaging made using materials with minimal environmental impact.

Another thing about eco-friendly packaging is that people can reuse and recycle it.

Significant Advantages of Eco-friendly Packaging to the Environment

The green movement has contributed to a wave of innovative alternatives to traditional packaging materials that are safe for the environment. In this section, we’re going to look at the top six benefits of eco-friendly packaging material:

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1. Biodegradable, so it’s easy to dispose of

This type of packaging is beneficial even after it has served its purpose as the packaging material. It’s capable of decomposing and, therefore, doesn’t cause pollution. Biodegradable packaging may also be compostable, which can be turned into compost.

If the packaging material is compostable, it is indicated so you can throw it into the appropriate bin.

2. Reduced carbon footprint

Don’t just focus on your financial goals if you want to grow. Try and meet your environmental goals too. So if your brand is looking to make a positive social impact, you need to watch how much you contribute to greenhouse gases.

Carbon emissions can occur at any point in the packaging lifecycle, from production to production and disposal. You should minimize the use of petroleum-based products and reconsider what energy sources produce the packaging material and how they’re shipped to their destination.

Consumption of paper-based products encourages reforestation, incentivizing landowners to keep their land forested. The trees in these forests naturally store carbon, reducing the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

3. Very versatile

Eco-friendly packaging is very versatile, allowing you to re-purpose it in whichever way you like. It doesn’t matter what type of food you which to package, be it meat, groceries, or cooked food; you will find eco-friendly packaging that will meet your packaging and budget needs.

4. Improves brand image, which ultimately expands your customer base

Using eco-friendly packaging gives your brand a positive image, especially to people who interact with it for the first time. The first impression is very important because it depicts your brand as reputable.

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Your commitment to sustainability could also get you more customers because it’s very hard for people to say no to a brand that cares for the environment. As previously mentioned, consumers nowadays feel more favorable toward brands that use sustainable packaging.

Whether your company uses eco-friendly packaging or not is highly likely to influence the customers’ buying decision. Ultimately, going green attracts more customers, thus increasing your customer base. The customers will most probably keep returning if you maintain the same. These people don’t even mind paying more for it.

All this explains why the demand for sustainable, eco-friendly packaging keeps growing.

5. Reduced amount of plastics in the world

Do you wish to be a company that brings real, positive change to the world? Use eco-friendly packaging to help reduce the number of plastics in landfills or oceans, contributing to pollution.

Using non-sustainable petrochemical materials that make up plastics requires much energy. Apart from causing littering, these products have also been linked with health problems when used with food.

6. Can be reduced, reused, and recycled

Most of the sustainable materials used for packaging can be categorized into the three basic R’s of sustainability: reduce, reuse, and recycle. This means they do the same job but require fewer resources and can be recycled easily, minimizing the cost of using new materials. Eco-friendly packaging made using recycled waste materials helps to reduce the consumption of resources significantly.


Making the shift towards sustainable packaging doesn’t have to be overnight. You can start with small changes that can still make a big difference. If you’ve not already started your journey towards making your packaging sustainable, it’s something worth looking into now.

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Eco-friendly packaging will reduce your carbon footprint, and it’ll also expand your brand into new markets and help increase your revenue.

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