Difference Between Fog And Clouds

Difference Between Fog And Clouds

Nature has blessed us with many wonders, and two of the mesmerizing yet commonly occurring wonders are clouds and fog. Even though both are formed when water vapor is condensed, there are many differences that set them apart. In this article, we will be talking about the difference between clouds and fog that will give…

Do Rivers Freeze? (And What Temperature Does a River Freeze?)

Do Rivers Freeze? (And What Temperature Does a River Freeze?)

Rivers have always played a critical role in shaping the geographical charisma of a country or city. Besides answering to the utilities, they are a fundamental part of bestowing history, civilization, and most importantly culture. Apart from geographical prominence, rivers resonate with different cultures of different countries. But did you know rivers in colder regions…

Why Do Some Rivers Change Their Course?

Why Do Some Rivers Change Their Course?

Rivers are natural water bodies that flow from one place to another. However, at certain time intervals, rivers change their course and move in different directions. There are some evident reasons why this happens, and some unknown reasons are there that lead to the change of course. In this article, we will be discussing why…

How Do Rivers Make the Soil Fertile?

How Do Rivers Make the Soil Fertile?

Soil fertility is a crucial factor to consider when it comes to growing crops and plants in a layer of land. The probability of growing crops and other plants as food and fodder depends heavily on the health of the soil and its fertility. And, rivers have an important role to play in making the…

How Fast Do Clouds Move?

How Fast Do Clouds Move?

We see clouds as fascinating nature objects that are formed in the sky. It is a part of the water cycle and becomes the reason for rain. When we see clouds on a windy day, it tends to move in a certain direction. It is because clouds move, and they have a certain speed. There…

What Causes Pink Sunsets?

What Causes Pink Sunsets?

At one time or another everyone has marveled at the beautiful reddish-orange hues of a sunrise or sunset. Although red-orange sunsets are common everywhere, certain regions are famous for pink sunsets. The deserts and urban cities quickly come to mind. Why do some parts of the world enjoy more unusual colors in the setting sky…

Can Squirrels Eat Corn?

Can Squirrels Eat Corn?

Squirrels aren’t picky eaters, and some may wonder if corn can be on their pet squirrel’s treat menu. The answer is – it depends. Some experts, in fact, strongly prohibit feeding corn to squirrels despite its good nutrient profile. In this article, let’s get deep down everything about squirrels and corn. Do Squirrels Eat Corn?…

Can Squirrels Eat Carrots?

Can Squirrels Eat Carrots?

Can squirrels eat carrots? You may be asking this if you’d like to share a tasty treat with the little critters visiting the garden daily, or maybe a pet squirrel accidentally ate some carrot chunks you dropped on the floor. We, humans love to eat carrots, so can squirrels safely have carrots, too? The answer…

Can Squirrel Eat Grapes?

Can Squirrel Eat Grapes?

Squirrels love eating human food, and there are plenty of fruits and vegetables they can safely enjoy. While some make a nutritious treat for them, other fruits and vegetables come with a warning sign. All varieties of grapes are healthy and tasty. If you are wondering ‘can squirrels eat grapes?’, ‘what are the health benefits…

Why Are Some Clouds Pink?

Why Are Some Clouds Pink?

The color of clouds depends on the angle of the sun’s light, in relation to the Earth’s atmosphere. Though it is deemed as ‘white light’, the sun releases light in all colors. Once the sun rays reach the Earth’s atmosphere, all color wavelengths in the sunlight scatter in all directions. The shorter wavelengths – blue…

Can You Recycle Paint Cans?

Can You Recycle Paint Cans?

Nothing compares to the joy of having a lovely interior decoration in homes. It is one of those things that make the home homely and make visitors comfortable. Different households have different preferences. For some, they prefer to have the interior decoration flooded with loads of artwork. You can easily mistake such houses for a…

Why Do White Rabbits Have Red Eyes? (Albinism)

Why Do White Rabbits Have Red Eyes? (Albinism)

If you’re looking to adopt a bunny and your interest is piqued by albino breeds, with their beautiful white skin and hypnotic ruby red eyes, you’re in good company. Yes, the unusually charming albino rabbits are docile and certainly did not win the genetic lottery, but many devoted pet parents welcome these cuties into their…

Can Squirrels Eat Almonds? (And Almond Butter)

Can Squirrels Eat Almonds? (And Almond Butter)

To humans, almonds are regarded as superfoods. What about giving them to squirrels? Is almond safe or no? Can squirrels take full advantage of the benefits these nuts offer? Almonds are nutritious, contain proteins, fats, vitamins E and B2, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and more. They are relatively low in sugar and high in fiber….

Oceanography vs Marine Biology (Are They Same or Different)

Oceanography vs Marine Biology (Are They Same or Different)

Ocean depths are home to the most complex life forms. Over the centuries, the deep waters also have given birth to myths, legends, and mysteries that are unexplainable by mankind. Even though the ocean is the heart of the Earth and without it, we cannot survive, we know very little about oceans. That’s where ocean…

Can Squirrels Eat Bread? (And Which Foods to Avoid)

Can Squirrels Eat Bread? (And Which Foods to Avoid)

There are very few things we eat that the squirrels in the garden won’t eat and beg for. And, bread is no exception. Most of us have probably tossed an unwanted crust anyway, but can squirrels eat bread? Is bread a safe option for them? Read on to find out if the bread is good…