Sonia Madaan


  • Sonia Madaan

    I am Sonia Madaan, a mother with a passion for science, computing, and environmental issues. Motivated by my passion and education, I started a website to spread awareness about climate change and its causes, like rising greenhouse gas levels. You can read more about me here.

Is Duct Tape Conductive? (No)

It is typical to find duct tape in most homes.The tape is used for various tasks, such as packaging, binding two surfaces together, and sealing. Some people eve...

Is Sand a Pure Substance? (No)

Ever wondered about the chemical composition and properties while playing or working with sand? Though it might sound a bit technical, understanding its chemica...

Is Sand a Mixture? (Or a Compound?)

When one first notices sand, on a beach, roadside or desert, the common observation is that it is much grainier and loose than other types of mud. The particles...