13+ Different Types of Black Rocks and Minerals (+Pics)


When exploring the fascinating world of rocks and minerals, you may have come across some intriguing black-colored specimens. From shiny and smooth obsidian to the classic black onyx, these dark beauties may have caught your attention. In this article, you’ll learn about 13 different types of black rocks and minerals you may encounter in your rockhounding adventures.

As you delve into this rich spectrum of dark stones, you’ll discover a range of stunning black minerals that vary in hardness, luster, and composition. For instance, hematite is a commonly found iron oxide that ranges from black to brownish-black, while hornblende has a distinctive semimetallic appearance. Your journey through the world of black rocks and minerals will offer you valuable knowledge about these captivating specimens’ unique properties and characteristics.

So, grab your rockhounding equipment and dive into the mesmerizing realm of black rocks and minerals. Whether you’re an experienced collector or just starting your rockhounding hobby, this exploration will enhance your appreciation for these dark wonders from mother nature’s geological treasures.

13+ Types of Black Rocks, Gems and Minerals

1. Basalt


Basalt is a dark-colored, fine-grained, igneous rock mainly composed of plagioclase and pyroxene minerals. It forms as an extrusive rock, such as a lava flow, but can also be found in small intrusive bodies like an igneous dike or a thin sill. It’s similar in composition to gabbro.

You’ll notice that basalt has a fine-grained texture due to the rapid cooling of low-viscosity lava rich in magnesium and iron. This rapid cooling of the lava happens when it is exposed at or very close to the Earth’s surface. In fact, more than 90% of all volcanic rock on Earth is basalt.

One interesting feature of basalt is its occurrence in various tectonic settings. No matter where you are on the planet, basalt can be found in oceanic and continental crusts. The dark color of basalt gives it a distinct appearance and makes it a notable example of black rock.

A basaltic rock that contains minerals of the feldspathoid group is part of the alkali group. Among these minerals are nepheline, analcime, leucite, and occasionally haüynite. If nepheline completely replaces feldspar, the rock is called nepheline-basalt. However, if the replacement is only partial, the rock is referred to as nepheline-basanite source.

So when you come across a dark-colored, fine-grained igneous rock in your exploration, remember that it’s likely basalt. This unique black rock offers insights into the Earth’s geological processes and has been part of our planet’s history since its formation.

2. Obsidian


Obsidian is an intriguing igneous rock with a glassy texture, typically jet-black in color. It forms when lava with a high silica content cools quickly, resulting in a beautiful and unique rock that you can treasure. The presence of hematite (iron oxide) can produce red and brown varieties of obsidian, while tiny gas bubbles may create a golden sheen. Dark bands or mottling in gray, green, or yellow are also known for this fascinating rock form.

You may find obsidian in various locations worldwide, but one the most interesting locales is the Glass Buttes in Oregon. This site offers an exceptional variety of gem-quality obsidian, including mahogany, red, flame, midnight lace, jet black, pumpkin, brown, rainbow, gold sheen, silver sheen, green, lizard skin, and snowflake varieties.

Remember to handle the specimens with care when rockhounding for obsidian, as the edges can be very sharp. However, its beautiful appearance and various colors make obsidian a highly sought-after collectible for hobbyists and professional geologists.

In addition to its aesthetic qualities, obsidian has been used by various ancient cultures to create tools, weapons, and jewelry. You can admire the versatility of this rock and incorporate it into your collection, knowing that it holds a fascinating geological and historical significance.

So, the next time you come across a piece of obsidian, take a moment to appreciate its unique properties and enjoy its place among the diverse world of black rocks and minerals.

3. Psilomelane


Psilomelane is a mineral that belongs to the group of manganese oxides. It is typically found in massive form and is often associated with other manganese minerals such as pyrolusite, manganite, and braunite. Psilomelane is black or dark brown in color and has a dull to submetallic luster. It is commonly used as an ore of manganese and as a decorative stone. Psilomelane is also known as “black hematite” or “manganese black.”

Psilomelane has several uses in different fields, some of which include:

  1. Ore of Manganese: Psilomelane is a significant ore of manganese, a metal used in the production of steel, batteries, and other industrial applications.
  2. Pigment: Psilomelane is used as a pigment in paints and dyes due to its black color.
  3. Jewelry: Psilomelane is used as a gemstone and can be polished into beads, cabochons, and other decorative objects.
  4. Water Filtration: Psilomelane is used as a filter media in water treatment systems to remove impurities and contaminants from water.
  5. Healing Properties: Psilomelane is believed to have healing properties and is used in alternative medicine practices to treat various ailments.
  6. Geological studies: Psilomelane is used by geologists to study the history of rock formations and the evolution of the Earth’s crust.
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4. Bituminous Coal


Bituminous coal, often referred to as soft coal, is a type of black rock that is intermediate in rank between sub-bituminous coal and anthracite. It is commonly used in the production of electricity and can be found in various parts of the world, including the United States and Canada.

When you come across bituminous coal, you’ll notice that it typically has banded sedimentary layers. These horizontal bands contain both bright and dull layers of coal material, with the bright bands consisting of well-preserved woody material like branches or stems. This formation contributes to the unique appearance of bituminous coal.

In terms of energy production, bituminous coal has a relatively high carbon content, which allows it to produce a significant amount of energy when burned. This characteristic makes it popular for generating electricity in coal-fired power plants.

If you’re using bituminous coal for its energy potential, be aware that it produces more pollution compared to cleaner energy sources like natural gas or renewable energy. As a result, efforts have been made to develop technologies that can reduce emissions and minimize environmental impacts.

When working with bituminous coal, remember that it’s a friendly resource in terms of its widespread availability and energy potential. However, also be mindful of its environmental impacts and use cleaner energy sources whenever possible.

5. Jet


Jet is a unique and fascinating black rock that you might be interested in learning about. It’s an organic rock that forms when pieces of woody material are buried in sediment and undergo a process called coalification. While jet shares some similarities with coal, it’s less friable and can be cut, carved, and polished to a bright luster.

You’ll appreciate that people have used jet for thousands of years to create various objects, including gemstones and beads. Since it’s a relatively soft material, it’s easy to work with, making it a popular choice for artisans and jewelers.

When you come across jet, you’ll notice its distinct appearance. It’s known for its smooth texture and rich black color, which is why it’s often incorporated into intricate designs and jewelry pieces. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, jet is also believed to have protective and grounding properties in the metaphysical realm.

As you explore the black rocks and minerals world, you’ll undoubtedly encounter jet and its unique characteristics. Whether you’re interested in its historical significance, uses in the jewelry industry, or metaphysical properties, jet is worth getting to know.

6. Galena


Galena is a fascinating black mineral that you might want to learn more about. This mineral is known to be a lead sulfide with a chemical composition of PbS, making it the world’s primary ore of lead. It is mined in various countries and has a wealth of interesting properties.

You can find galena in low-temperature to medium-temperature hydrothermal veins in igneous rocks, pegmatites, and contact-metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. This black mineral may appear in a range of colors, including bluish-gray or straight gray, depending on its specific composition.

As you explore Galena, you’ll likely notice its softness, with a Mohs hardness of 2.5. Its dark-gray streak, high density, and shiny surface make it an attractive mineral for collections and educational purposes. Galena has been extracted for its lead content since ancient times, thanks to the simple extraction process that effectively separates the lead from sulfur.

In some cases, galena can contain a significant amount of silver, making it an even more valuable ore. Known as argentiferous galena, it is highly prized for its silver content and has been an important resource in silver production.

As you continue to explore the world of black rocks and minerals, Galena will stand out as a unique and fascinating example. Its importance in lead and silver extraction and its unique physical properties make it an intriguing member of the dark mineral family.

7. Amphibolite


Amphibolite is a fascinating black rock that you might encounter in your rockhounding adventures. This metamorphic rock predominantly consists of amphibole minerals, especially hornblende and actinolite, and also contains plagioclase feldspar. Its texture can range from non-foliated to weakly-foliated, with a medium-grained composition that often gives it a “salt and pepper” appearance.

Amphibolite forms through a process called regional metamorphism. This occurs when rocks are exposed to high temperatures and pressures deep within the Earth’s crust. In the case of amphibolite, the parent rocks are usually basalt or other mafic igneous rocks. When these rocks undergo such changes, they transform into the striking black rock you see before you.

As you explore the world of black rocks, keep an eye out for amphibolite’s unique features. Its characteristic amphibole and plagioclase composition, combined with its specific metamorphic formation, make it an intriguing find for any rock enthusiast. And as you continue your journey as an amateur geologist, remember to always observe and appreciate the diverse range of black rocks and minerals that can be found in the Earth’s crust. Happy rockhounding!

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8. Tourmaline


Tourmaline is a fascinating mineral group that comes in various colors, including black. Its unique crystalline structure consists of boron combined with elements like aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium. This colorful gemstone has become a popular choice in the world of gemstones and minerals.

One of the main black tourmalines, known as Schorl, is an opaque variety with a rich black hue. This mineral is often found alongside quartz, albite, microcline, lepidolite, beryl, and spodumene. Schorl’s distinct properties make it stand out among other black minerals, such as its opacity and hardness.

As you explore black tourmalines more, you’ll discover that they offer some important benefits. For instance, black tourmaline is believed to have protective and grounding properties in metaphysical practices. Many people wear black tourmaline jewelry to keep negative energies away and maintain emotional balance.

In terms of its practical uses, black tourmaline has been utilized as an electrical tuning circuit for conducting television and radio frequencies. This is possible due to its piezoelectric properties, which generate an electrical charge under pressure or when subjected to heat.

When you add a piece of black tourmaline to your rock or mineral collection, you’re showcasing its beauty and appreciating its unique properties and applications. So next time you come across this stunning black mineral, remember the colorful and versatile world of tourmaline it represents.

9. Sphalerite


Sphalerite is a fascinating black mineral that you might be interested in. It’s primarily known as the chief ore of zinc, but it can also display various colors, including black. The black variety of sphalerite is often referred to as marmatite, which has a high iron content and an opaque appearance.

This mineral is intriguing, as it forms beautiful crystals exhibiting brilliant cleavage and luster. The crystal structure of sphalerite is face-centered cubic, which is responsible for its captivating appearance. Its surface can be quite stunning when polished and might even display a fiery iridescence.

When you come across sphalerite in nature, it’s frequently associated with other minerals such as galena, dolomite, calcite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, marcasite, and pyrrhotite. These minerals often occur together in mineral deposits, creating a remarkable sight for rockhounds and collectors alike. Don’t be surprised if you find a sample of sphalerite nestled among some beautiful rocky companions.

So, if you’re on the hunt for unique black rocks and minerals, be sure to keep an eye out for sphalerite. Its striking appearance, fascinating crystal structure, and association with other noteworthy minerals make it a highly sought-after specimen for collectors and rock enthusiasts alike. Finding a splendid piece of sphalerite can add elegance and intrigue to your mineral collection.

10. Magnetite


Magnetite is a relatively common, black, metallic mineral that holds an important place in modern society due to its use as one of the key iron ores. You may find it occurring in a variety of igneous rocks, pegmatites, contact metamorphic rocks, and hydrothermal veins.

One of the most distinctive features of magnetite is its attraction to magnets. In fact, it is one of only a few minerals with this property. This means that if you come across a black, metallic rock that is attracted to a magnet, there’s a good chance it may be magnetite.

Magnetite has a Mohs hardness between 5 and 6.5, making it a fairly hard mineral. It is usually opaque and can be found in the form of isometric crystals. You may also find it appearing as black to brownish, metallic, moderately hard octahedrons and masses in various rock formations.

Now that you know a little more about magnetite, keep an eye out for black, metallic rocks that could be this interesting mineral. And remember, there’s a whole world of black rocks and minerals out there to explore – make sure to enjoy your rockhounding journey in a friendly and curious way!

11. Black Opal


You might be familiar with the stunning Black Opal, a precious gemstone known for its dark background color and vibrant play-of-color. This unique gemstone offers a striking contrast and depth that sets it apart from other opals. Found primarily in Lightning Ridge, Australia, which is also known as the “Black Opal Capital of the World”, this opal is a true treasure to behold.

When looking at a Black Opal, you’ll notice that it has a dark blue, dark green, dark gray, or black background or base color. The dark background enhances the play-of-color, making the vibrant colors of the opal stand out even more. As you turn the gemstone in your hand, you’ll see flashes of different colors such as green, blue, red, and orange.

The formation of Black Opal occurs in ironstone boulders or sandstone, which are buried deep underground. When silica and water find their way into these boulders or sandstone, they form the opal. Over time, the water evaporates, leaving behind the mesmerizing color patterns you see in this gemstone.

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Black Opals make for stunning jewelry, especially because of the intensity and uniqueness of their colors. You can find them adorning rings, pendants, earrings, and more. They are prized not only for their beauty but also for their rarity, making them a highly sought-after gem.

To care for your Black Opal jewelry, store it in a cool, dry place away from sunlight, and handle it gently, as opals are a bit more fragile than other gemstones. Doing so’ll ensure that your captivating Black Opal remains a cherished piece in your collection for years to come.

12. Anthracite


Anthracite, also known as hard coal and black coal, is a unique type of coal you might encounter during your rockhounding adventures. What sets anthracite apart from other coals is its high carbon content, compact structure, and submetallic lustre. As a result, it possesses the highest energy density among all types of coal and is considered the highest-ranking coal.

When you discover anthracite, you’ll notice its distinct appearance. It looks shiny and has a metallic black appearance, making it visually appealing. If you’re curious about its composition, anthracite contains 86 percent or more fixed carbon and less than or equal to 14 percent volatile matter on a dry, ash-free basis.

During your rockhounding journey, you might find anthracite in areas where metamorphism has occurred. It is the most metamorphosed type of coal, representing low-grade metamorphism. When seeking suitable geological settings to find anthracite, look for regions with other metamorphic rocks.

Remember, while anthracite appears visually stunning and can be a fascinating addition to your rock collection, it also serves as a valuable natural resource. Be aware that collecting and using anthracite comes with environmental and resource considerations. So, handle responsibly and ensure you comply with any local regulations before disturbing nature.

Keep an eye out for anthracite during your rockhounding excursions, and always stay open to the possibility of discovering other black rocks and minerals. Happy rockhounding!

13. Hematite


Hematite is a fascinating black mineral that you might stumble upon while exploring the world of black rocks and minerals. It is a common iron oxide compound with the chemical formula Fe2O3 and can be widely found in rocks and soils. Hematite has a rich history and is often used as a pigment to add a red color to various objects in our society, from lipstick to fire trucks and rusted scrap iron.

When you come across hematite, you’ll notice its distinctive crystal structure that belongs to the rhombohedral lattice system. This unique structure is what gives hematite its interesting appearance and properties. One notable characteristic of hematite is its ability to produce a reddish streak when it comes into contact with other surfaces.

You can find hematite in different forms and appearances, from shiny to dull or semimetallic luster. Its hardness can also range from 1 to 6, making it quite versatile in its applications. Hematite can be discovered as an accessory mineral in various igneous rocks or as a weathering product of other iron minerals.

In summary, hematite is a fascinating black mineral with a wide array of applications and unique properties. If you ever come across this remarkable mineral, remember to appreciate its crystal structure and the beautiful red streaks it can produce. And next time you use a red object, consider the role hematite might have played in creating its color!

14. Onyx


Onyx is a beautiful black stone that has captivated people for centuries. It is a type of chalcedony, which is a microcrystalline form of quartz. This banded variety of chalcedony forms in concentric layers of different colors, typically with a black base and white or colored bands. These colored bands can range from shades of brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, adding depth and intrigue to the stone’s appearance.

In the world of gemstones, onyx is highly prized for its deep, rich color and unique banding patterns. When used in jewelry, the black portions are often cut away to reveal a hard, shiny gemstone suitable for everything from rings to pendants. It’s easy to see why you might be drawn to its beauty and allure, making it a popular choice for personal adornments and decorative pieces.

However, it’s important to be aware of some common false names for onyx. You might come across terms like limestone onyx, Mexican onyx, or onyx marble, which typically refer to materials like travertine or tufa that exhibit color banding from layer deposition. Although these materials can be polished and dyed to resemble true onyx, they do not possess the same properties or value as genuine onyx.

So there you have it—a brief introduction to the captivating world of onyx. With its stunning appearance and rich history, you might find yourself wanting to learn more or even own a piece of jewelry that features this mesmerizing black gemstone. And who could blame you? Onyx is truly a remarkable stone that adds a touch of elegance and intrigue to any setting.

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