Does Pee Evaporate? (Answered)


If you’ve ever urinated outside in the cold, you’ve probably noticed that your urine is steaming. Does that imply that the moment you urinate, your urine is boiling? But, you are unlikely to observe the steam when it is sunny outside. What precisely occurs then? Even on a hot day, urine quickly leaves the ground. Does pee evaporate? 

In this article, we are going to answer that question. Also, you’ll learn whether urine evaporates more quickly than water, how long urine evaporates, and what temperature urine evaporates. We will provide an answer to the question of how long it takes for pee to dry from clothes. Finally, we will let you know if pee conducts electricity or freezes.

Does Urine Evaporate?

Yes, urine can evaporate. Water is the component of urine that evaporates. 95% of urine is water; the remaining 5% comprises creatinine, electrolytes, pigments, hormones, amino acids, and metabolites. Urine is a liquid waste product that is excreted by the kidneys and contains water, salts, and other waste products. Like any other liquid, urine can evaporate if exposed to air. The rate of evaporation will depend on factors such as temperature, humidity, and air flow.

In a dry and warm environment, urine can evaporate quickly, leaving behind concentrated salts and other substances that can produce an unpleasant odor. It is important to clean up urine spills as soon as possible to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors.

Because it is mainly solid and semi-solid, the urine of birds and reptiles won’t evaporate. Following a meal, the body uses the nutrients in the food to produce energy. Anything left behind is considered waste and found in the blood and intestines. The blood transports the liquid waste (urea) to the kidneys, which expels through urine and other waste products and water.

Normal urine is clear or light yellow. The type of food consumed and the health of the body will affect how the urine smells. A sweet smell from your urine indicates the presence of amino acids or diabetes mellitus. You will also smell alcohol, tuna, veggies, onions, or spicy foods if that is what you have consumed.

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How Long Does It Take for Pee to Evaporate?

The time it takes for urine to evaporate relies on room temperature. Urine evaporates at an average rate of 3.2 liters per day, or 30cc per hour. It evaporates approximately 8.8 liters daily on warm days and 0.4 liters on cloudy days. Because pee doesn’t evaporate quickly, you can smell it longer on cold, humid days.

Your estimated time should be the time it takes for all the water in the urine to evaporate. The urea, smell, and stain are all that remain. The rate of urine evaporation is affected by a variety of factors:

  • Running a fan,
  • Presence of wind,
  • Vinegar and baking soda

What Temperature Does Urine Evaporate?

Urine reaches its boiling point at 266°F (130°C). Yet, urine typically has a temperature of 98.6°F (37°C), the same as body temperature. People with high body temperatures could be pregnant or reside in warm climates, which will show up in their urine. But the truth remains that as soon as urine leaves the body, it evaporates.

Everything that comes out of your body is usually warm due to your body temperature. One of the reasons why you might notice steam when you urinate. But the urine is not that hot to steam. The reaction of the warm urine to the cold air causes moisture. Think of what happens when you blow your breath in cold weather and there is mist. 

Hot air is lighter than cold air. Hence the hot air floats upwards. On a cold day, a little pee will dissolve into the air. However, it will then cool down immediately and turn into steam. The steam is tiny droplets of urine suspended in the air.  

Does Urine Evaporate Faster Than Water?

Urine evaporates more slowly than water.  Pure water will evaporate faster than impure water. Urine, to a large extent, is similar to contaminated water. Besides water, urine also contains other compounds. Pure water has no molecules that prevent the water molecules from rising to the surface and evaporating. Some elements in the urine are attracted to water molecules, which makes them heavier.

Separating the water molecules from the other components of the urine will need a lot of energy. Due to the resistance, the water molecules will take some time to separate and rise to the surface to evaporate. When two containers are present, one containing pure water and the other containing urine, the pure water will evaporate more rapidly.

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The surface area at the top of the container decreases, another factor contributing to urine evaporating more slowly. The molecules must be on the surface for evaporation to occur. The water molecules can’t reach the top of the container because some of the various urine components occupy space there.

How Long Does Pee Take to Dry on Clothes?

It can take up to an hour for pee to dry on clothing. Yet, it’s important to remember that only the water component will entirely dry out. Urine will take longer to dry on a cold day than on a hot one—about 30 minutes longer. Yet, the quantity and depth of the urine’s absorption will also affect how long it takes.

Pee will leave the urate once the water has dried, leaving a stain. Urine odor will linger on your clothing for some time. There are various methods for speeding up the process if you have a minor mishap and need to dry the pee on your clothes.

  • Use paper towels: To try and hasten the drying of the pee, use paper towels. Using paper towels, try to absorb the moisture by patting the urine.
  • Hand dryer: On the pee stain, use a hand drier. Check to see if the pee stain is still wet.

Can Pee Freeze?

Pee can indeed freeze. Pee typically freezes at a temperature of 21ºF (-5.6°C). The urine temperature is 98.6°F (37°C), the same as the body. But, if you reside in a place like Alaska, where temperatures can drop as low as -17°F (-27.22°C), it can freeze quickly.

However, the amount of urea, salts, other organic compounds and urine concentration determine the urine’s freezing point. Most people save pee samples in the freezer for later analysis. Unfortunately, because the water in urine freezes at varying temperatures, the pee will likely fail the urine-specific gravity test.

If you plan to use it for future testing, you must freeze your pee sample immediately. Freezing will stop the microbial organisms in your urine from growing. Your pee won’t pass the tests once that happens.

Can Urine Conduct Electricity?

Urine is an aqueous solution that can conduct electricity. Electrolytes are one of the elements that make up urine. Your body contains minerals with electrical charge and many conductive ions, which efficiently conduct electricity. Electric charge can flow because of the minerals, salts, electrolytes, and high water content.

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You shouldn’t worry that electricity will pass through your body, though. Urine drips down in a stream of individual droplets. It fails to transmit electricity since it isn’t a steady stream.

Although urine contains charge-carrying ions, it is a poor electrical conductor. Urine’s electrical conductivity lowers because water and other minerals, such as potassium and chloride, don’t conduct electricity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when urine is left standing for some time?

As a result of microorganisms breaking down the urea in the urine, the urine begins to smell like ammonia. Its pH is raised, turning it alkaline. Any existing bacteria or cells will keep consuming the glucose (sugar) in the urine.

Testing for glucose levels in your urine will likely produce erroneous results. Along with changing color, the urine also gets hazy or cloudy. A urine examination is recommended within 30 minutes of collection.

Why is first-morning urine more concentrated? 

Because you have been sleeping for a while without drinking anything, your pee is typically more concentrated in the morning. The pee will be slightly darker.

It will provide a stronger results line; typically, the urine is ideal for an accurate test.

If it is not tested right away, first-morning pee can be stored for up to three days at 36°F (2°C) or for eight hours at room temperature 59-86°F (15-30°C).

What causes foamy urine?

Protein buildup results in foamy urine. Normal urine is free of blood or foam, and it is clear and yellowish. Please be aware that bubbles are not foam. The whitish foam clogs the toilet even after flushing. It’s unhealthy if there is foam in your urine.

Proteins should be retained in the body by your kidneys after being filtered. Your kidneys are not functioning properly if proteins are excreted in the urine. When this occurs, it may indicate the existence of diabetes, lupus, or indications of a medical illness that affects other body systems.


Water, which makes up 95% of urine, is the part that evaporates. Yet, that is animal waste. Animals with semi-solid and solid urine include birds and reptiles. The temperature will affect how quickly urine evaporates, but generally speaking, urine will begin to evaporate as soon as it leaves your body.

As water is lighter and rises more quickly than pee, it will evaporate more rapidly. You can freeze urine. However, it might fail to pass the gravity test explicitly designed for urine. Although urine is a poor conductor of electricity, it includes minerals and ions.

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