10 Easy and Simple Additions to Make Your Home “SMART”

10 Easy and Simple Additions to Make Your Home “SMART”

It’s becoming easier and easier for people to start automating their homes with technology. Since there’s not a shortage of companies and start up ventures rolling out products like automated lights, thermostats, and air conditioners, turning a home ‘SMART’ can be a relatively simple process. Keep reading for 10 easy things you can do to…

Avoid These Common Home Heating Mistakes to Save Energy

Avoid These Common Home Heating Mistakes to Save Energy

We all like to think that we know our heating system inside out and that we know how to use it properly to get the best out of it and to keep our homes and families safe and warm. However, you may well be making one or more of these common – and potentially very…

25+ Extraordinary Ways to Save Electricity

25+ Extraordinary Ways to Save Electricity

Many people undertake activities that result in electricity wastage and in the long run the outcomes are very costly. Perhaps, this is the reason electricity prices become more and more expensive year after year. In order to ameliorate the situation, it is imperative to undertake daily practical electricity saving tips. By doing so, the entire…