How Do Rivers Make the Soil Fertile?

How Do Rivers Make the Soil Fertile?

Soil fertility is a crucial factor to consider when it comes to growing crops and plants in a layer of land. The probability of growing crops and other plants as food and fodder depends heavily on the health of the soil and its fertility. And, rivers have an important role to play in making the…

15 Wonderful Methods to Control Erosion

15 Wonderful Methods to Control Erosion

Over one billion tons of topsoil are lost every year due to erosion. According to the Department of Agriculture in the United States, soil erosion is a major disaster for agricultural development. Soil erosion does not only take away precious topsoil but also causes pollution in waterways, landslide, and an increased flooding risk. This urgently…

Sandstorms: Causes, Effects and Interesting Facts

Sandstorms: Causes, Effects and Interesting Facts

We may have heard about sandstorms at one point in our lives. While it is common knowledge that it comprises of sand and that it could cause several adverse effects towards the environment and the well-being of the people, there are still a lot of things that we do not know about the phenomenon. On…

Types, Causes and Effects of Droughts

Types, Causes and Effects of Droughts

The entire human, plant and animal life spins around water. Lack of water can bring a region to its knees. Some regions entirely depend on agriculture for survival and when lack of water persists; their futures are literally dried up. But it’s not just farmers that need water to get by; industries, cities, and animals…

20+ Solid Reasons to Stop Deforestation That You Need to Know Today

20+ Solid Reasons to Stop Deforestation That You Need to Know Today

Deforestation persists to be one of the biggest environmental challenges in the world. More and more forests are cleared to create room for farming and the extraction of timber among other raw materials. In many parts of the world, the original forest cover areas have been reduced by more than 20% and some areas have…

What is Rainwater Harvesting, its Importance and Various Methods to do it

What is Rainwater Harvesting, its Importance and Various Methods to do it

Rainwater harvesting is the storing of rainwater during the monsoon season for the purpose of using it during periods of water scarcity. Generally speaking, it is a process used for collecting and storing rainwater for human use. Rainwater harvesting is best described as the technique by which rain water is accumulated and stored with the…

What are Rainforests, Importance of Rainforests and Reasons For Their Loss and Destruction

What are Rainforests, Importance of Rainforests and Reasons For Their Loss and Destruction

Rainforests are the forests characterized with tall trees, relatively warm climates and a great degree of rain on an annual basis. Most rainforests have an annual rainfall in the ranges of 250 to 450 centimeters (98 to 177 inches). In ecological explanation, rainforests are defined as “multi-storied closed, broad leaved forest vegetation with a continuous…

What is Soil Conservation and What are Various Ways To Conserve Soil?

What is Soil Conservation and What are Various Ways To Conserve Soil?

Soils are essential for the continuity of life on earth since many ecosystems depend on them for survival. Still, soils persist to face serious threats in so many ways. Soil erosion, use of chemical pesticides and herbicides, unsustainable agricultural practices, excessive farming, water pollution and land pollution are some of the aspects upsetting the natural…

Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion

Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is a process that involves the wearing away of the topsoil. The process involves the loosening of the soil particles, blowing or washing away of the soil particles, and either ends up in the valley and faraway lands or washed away to the oceans by rivers and streams. Soil erosion is a natural…

What is Forest Degradation and What are Various Causes of it

What is Forest Degradation and What are Various Causes of it

Forest degradation results owing to decrease in tree cover, the biodiversity in the forests or the changes to a lower state of the forest structure. Degradation refers to damage or reduction in quality of certain features of the forests. Continued degradation of the forests can destroy the entire forest cover and biodiversity, and it mainly…

9 Breathtaking Benefits of Recycling

9 Breathtaking Benefits of Recycling

Recycling is the act of processing used or obsolete materials for use in creating new products. Commonly, it refers to the mantra ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.’ Recycling significantly helps to reduce pollution in the environment. Most people may not know it, but the truth of the matter is that there are numerous recycling benefits. The earth’s…

Various Causes of Agricultural Pollution

Various Causes of Agricultural Pollution

Agricultural pollution predominantly arises from farming practices. Modern farming and agricultural operations contribute to the degradation and contamination of our environment as well as the neighboring ecosystems. Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, animal manure and other agro-chemicals are rich in chemical nutrients and toxic substances which are often the major sources of agricultural pollution. The excessive use…

Terrible Effects of Agricultural Pollution

Terrible Effects of Agricultural Pollution

Agricultural pollution scores the highest when it comes to water quality impacts to lakes, rivers, streams and oceans. The fertilizers, pesticides, manure, herbicides and other agrochemicals have given rise to widespread contamination of waterways and ground waters, in turn affecting plants, wildlife, humans, and animals. High levels of poison degrade waters, and the chemical nutrients…

Various Primary Causes of Thermal Pollution

Various Primary Causes of Thermal Pollution

Thermal pollution occurs when water bodies are degraded in terms of altering their temperatures. Commonly, it happens when people or industries undertake activities that suddenly decrease or increase the temperature of natural water bodies which may include lakes, rivers, oceans, or ponds. In today’s world, thermal pollution is a huge threat and is mainly influenced…

Devastating Effects of Deforestation

Devastating Effects of Deforestation

The act of deforestation has impacted on the world in terms of depreciating the natural environment and wildlife. It has also impacted on humans on the account of changes in environmental support processes such as weather conditions. For more than a century, the number of trees on the surface of the earth has plummeted, resulting…