How do Rainbows Form? (And Process of Formation)

How do Rainbows Form? (And Process of Formation)

Rainbows are among the most beautiful nature’s displays. Neither it is a “thing,” nor does it exist in a particular “place.” A rainbow is rather an optical illusion or phenomenon that is not controlled by human beings and appears when sunlight and atmospheric conditions are just right and also the viewer’s position to see it….

25+ Fascinating Facts About Rainbows That Will Stir Your Curiosity

25+ Fascinating Facts About Rainbows That Will Stir Your Curiosity

As nature’s one of the most splendid creations, Rainbow has inspired many poems, songs, paintings, and other forms of art. It is a very simple scientific phenomenon of bending or refraction of light that creates an amazing spectrum of colors while passing through water droplets. How rainbow actually formed was unknown until the 17th century,…

Rainbow: Definition, Formation and Interesting Facts

Rainbow: Definition, Formation and Interesting Facts

Rainbows are multi-colored arcs which result when light strikes water droplets. They result from the refraction and reflection of light. Usually, rainbows are full circles with the antisolar point (i.e the imaginary point directly opposite the sun) being the center of the circle. The full circle of rainbows is more easily observed by passengers in…