13 Longest Rivers in India and Description About Each One of Them

13 Longest Rivers in India and Description About Each One of Them

India is a land of rivers with two broad categories of river systems, namely Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers. Himalayan rivers are fed with melted snow of the great mountain range while the peninsular rivers are rainfed. These rivers traverse across the country from different parts of it. In this article, we will discuss 13…

20+ Phenomenal Facts About Alps Mountain Range

20+ Phenomenal Facts About Alps Mountain Range

The Alps are the most populated, highest and most extensive mountain range in Europe. This range of mountains is a collection of great mountain systems of south central Europe, forming an arc some 1200 km (approximately 750 miles) long from the Gulf of Genoa to the Danube River at Vienna. Furthermore, the Alps are a complex, fold-mountain system. In the ancestral…

What is a Mountain Landform: Formation and Types of Mountains

What is a Mountain Landform: Formation and Types of Mountains

Of all the landforms on earth, mountains loom large in people’s imagination. From ancient times, many have viewed these mysterious places as home to supernatural beings or gods. Others have viewed them as the hallmark in human escapade. Mountain climbing is one such escapade and is seen as an intense experiment of human desire and…