5 Ways to Power Your Eco-Friendly Home with Renewable Energy

5 Ways to Power Your Eco-Friendly Home with Renewable Energy

For the past few decades, environmentalists have been warning about rapid depletion of natural fuel resources, and it seems homeowners around the world are finally waking up to the need for a mass switch to renewable energy. Back in 2016, renewable energy accounted for nearly 40% of the growth in global power generation, and it’s…

What is Ecological Footprint and Ways to Reduce it

What is Ecological Footprint and Ways to Reduce it

Ecological footprint is a terminology that attempts to gauge the extent of human impact on the earth’s ecosystems. There are many ways humans deplete environment capital just from our basic lifestyles to resource exploitation, environmental degradation, and pollution. As our consumption increases due to overpopulation, it is important for us to measure nature’s capacity to…