Is Transmission Fluid Flammable? (Yes, But…)

Is Transmission Fluid Flammable? (Yes, But…)

Many different fluids circulate within a vehicle. From engine oil to radiator fluid to air conditioning refrigerant, it’s critical to keep each of these fluids in check to keep your automobile in the best condition. Transmission fluid is not any less important.  Transmission fluid is used to lubricate the components of a car’s transmission for…

Is Scotch Tape Flammable? (And Conductive)

Is Scotch Tape Flammable? (And Conductive)

Scotch tape is one of the most useful tools we use in our day-to-day life. It is a common tool that you can find in almost any household and its uses are countless. You can use it to fix broken items, stick torn paper, remove lint, pick up remnants of broken glass, or even remove…

Is Olive Oil Flammable? (Can It Catch Fire?)

Is Olive Oil Flammable? (Can It Catch Fire?)

Olive oil is a healthy cooking oil with numerous health benefits. Additionally, it gives your dish flavor. Olive oil is used for more than just cooking; you can use it to dress salads. Is it harmful to use olive oil in the kitchen because of its characteristics, though? Is olive oil flammable, for instance? Knowing…

Is Tree Sap Flammable? (And Pine Sap?)

Is Tree Sap Flammable? (And Pine Sap?)

Do you ever wonder about the source of the maple syrup you drizzle on your pancakes? Do you know the syrup you like comes from a tree’s sap? Maybe, you only associate tree sap with the sticky substance that gets on your clothes while bringing in a Christmas tree. Does it have other harmful characteristics…

Is Castor Oil Flammable? (And Flashpoint of Castor Oil)

Is Castor Oil Flammable? (And Flashpoint of Castor Oil)

Castor oil is not the oil you think of when you need to light a fire. The medicine has been long used to treat constipation as well as a laxative aid. Due to its very strong potency and flavor, it is not used as cooking oil or added to food. Now the question arises –…

Is Hair Conditioner Flammable? (Answer Inside)

Is Hair Conditioner Flammable? (Answer Inside)

You’ve probably never given the products you use on your hair much thought. We are taking into consideration shampoos and conditioners as an example. Some of the questions you should start asking yourself are: Do they sell any products that can be harmful to you? Are the products safe near a fire? Or is hair…

Is Ink Flammable or Combustible?

Is Ink Flammable or Combustible?

Ink has been used from at least the 26th century BC for the purposes of writing and drawing. Today, its use remains as pervasive as ever, as it allows us to write letters, print posters, make tattoos, etc.  But have you ever wondered if ink poses a potential fire hazard? In this article, we are…