35+ Spectacular Great Barrier Reef Facts That Are Seriously Eye-opening

35+ Spectacular Great Barrier Reef Facts That Are Seriously Eye-opening

Just like any other Seven Wonders of the World – the Great Barrier Reef is extremely mesmerizing and is probably one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. The ecosystem which runs off the coast of Queensland is home to some of the most exciting and diverse marine life. From reef-building corals to predatory…

Air Pollution: Remarkable Ways To Reduce The Harmful Effects of Air Pollution

Air Pollution: Remarkable Ways To Reduce The Harmful Effects of Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major threat to the environment and affects almost everyone and everything, including humans, animals, cities, crops, forests and aquatic ecosystems. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 7 million people died as a result of air pollution. This figure confirms that air pollution is one of the most serious environmental health…

15 Serious Effects of Plastic Bags Causing Environmental Pollution

15 Serious Effects of Plastic Bags Causing Environmental Pollution

When you buy something, like foodstuff or clothes, the shopkeeper will normally pack them for you in a shopper bag. Once you get home, you’ll throw the shopper bag in the litter outside. This is the most common way that plastic bags end up creating a menace to the environment. While plastic bags are very…

10 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself From Air Pollution

10 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself From Air Pollution

Nine in every 10 people in the world breathe air that violates World Health Organization guidelines. Inhaling polluted air can cause multiple health problems including respiratory conditions, lung cancer, heart disease and stroke. Air pollution has also been linked to damaging brain development in children, pneumonia, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Exposure to high levels of…

The Most Carbon Efficient Ways to Travel

The Most Carbon Efficient Ways to Travel

Green energy has been a big topic in recent years, as electricity from burning fossil fuels generates more greenhouse gases (GHG) than any other human activity. Governments are now funding renewable energy production including wind farming, solar energy and tidal power. Setting up incentives such as Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) or the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive…

Plastic Waste: Environmental Effects of Plastic Pollution

Plastic Waste: Environmental Effects of Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is currently one of the biggest environmental concerns. It may seem like large amounts of plastic waste are inevitable in the world we live in, but you can help with the plastic pollution issue by being aware of its dangers and taking steps to reduce waste. The amount of garbage in the world…

How is Ethanol Made and Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethanol Fuel

How is Ethanol Made and Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethanol Fuel

Overdependence on fossils fuels has led to a hail of environmental problems the universe faces today such as climate change, oil spills, air pollution, and acid rains. Burning of fossils fuels to generate electricity releases dangerous greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, water vapor, methane, and fluorinated gasses that cause the greenhouse effect. For…

10 Striking Reasons of Environmental Degradation

10 Striking Reasons of Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation can be defined as a risk to which the world is exposed. It is termed as pollution. Generally, the term pollution refers to contaminated air, water, soil, besides unclean and unhygienic living areas. Such conditions cause harm to human health and damage to non-human natural world. According to Wikipedia, “Environmental degradation is the…

Causes, Effects and Solutions of Marine Habitat Loss and Destruction

Causes, Effects and Solutions of Marine Habitat Loss and Destruction

The marine habitat destruction and loss is where the marine environment or the ecological set up is unable to support life due to degradation. This is a process that is contributed by various natural and human activities. Most countries have had the opportunity to stock marine animals and plants. Countries such as North and South…

What are Different Types of Pollution?

What are Different Types of Pollution?

There are various types of pollution i.e. air, water, land, noise, industrial, soil, light, thermal etc. and they are categorized based on the region of the environment which they negatively impact, contributing to the multiple causes of pollution. Accordingly, each and every type of pollution has its own distinguishing causes and environmental effects. Understanding pollution…

Why is Biodiversity Important and Reasons For Loss of Biodiversity

Why is Biodiversity Important and Reasons For Loss of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the variety within and between animal and plant life in a particular habitat or the entire planet. In any particular region on the planet, there are numerous different species. A small-scale example of biodiversity is the various life forms within the park in the neighborhood. Examples of diverse species locally include butterflies, trees,…

25+ Remarkable Ways to Prevent Air Pollution

25+ Remarkable Ways to Prevent Air Pollution

There are multiple and simple ways that can be used in everyday life to help prevent air pollution and improve air quality. Every time we use our air conditioners, drive to work or school, use coal to heat our homes, style our hair or even apply deodorants to smell fresh, we undertake activities and make…

Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion

Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is a process that involves the wearing away of the topsoil. The process involves the loosening of the soil particles, blowing or washing away of the soil particles, and either ends up in the valley and faraway lands or washed away to the oceans by rivers and streams. Soil erosion is a natural…

Various Causes of Indoor Air Pollution

Various Causes of Indoor Air Pollution

What is commonly known is outdoor air pollution which is all about fumes and smog from industries or emissions from cars. Indoor air pollution pertains to contamination or introduction of harmful substances in the air within and around buildings, homes, inside cars, restaurants, schools or offices which depreciate Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Ideally, it relates…

Severe Effects of Indoor Air Pollution

Severe Effects of Indoor Air Pollution

Studies according to EPA reveal that indoor air has the potential of being more exceedingly polluted that the outdoor air. These indications are especially because the majority of people spend most of their time indoors be it at work, home, or in schools among other indoor areas. Per se, the effects and health risks can…