30+ Awesome Facts About Plains You Can’t Afford to Miss


A Plain landform is a broad area of flat sweeping landmass that generally does not change much in elevation. It is relatively flat and does not change much in elevation within a common area. This type of landform is generally lower than the surrounding landmass and may be found along an inland or coast. It exists on every continent and covers more than one-third of the world’s total land area. This type of landform is mostly suitable for settlement and agricultural purposes. In agriculture, plain landforms are more suitable for farming than plateaus or mountains.

Plain landforms are postulated to have been formed from flowing lava deposited from hills and mountains by ice, water, wind or erosion.

30+ Awesome Facts About Plains

Fact 1: Structural plains tend to be large flat surfaces which make up extensive lowlands.

Fact 2: Erosional plains are those that have been created by erosion die to glaciers, wind, running water and rivers.

Fact 3: Depositional plains are formed when substances are deposited from rivers, glaciers, waves and wind. In some cases, these plains are very fertile because of the type of material that has been deposited there.

Fact 4: Depositional plains can be classified as alluvial plains, or glacial plains.

Fact 5: Alluvial plains are created by rivers that deposit materials which yields soil.

Fact 6: Flood plains are plains that experience periodic flooding or just occasional flooding. One of the most famous flood plains is the one surrounding the Nile River in Africa.

Fact 7: A lacustrine plain is one which was originally the bottom of a lake.

Fact 8: A lava plain results when lava creates sheets over time, eventually yielding rich soil.

Fact 9: Glacial plains are formed when glaciers move across land and the force of gravity creates the large flat surface.

Fact 10: An abyssal plain is an area of the ocean basin which could be flat or sloping very gently.

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Fact 11: Plains existing on other planets are referred to as ‘planitia’. Mars has ‘Hellas Planitia’ while Venus has ‘Sedna Planitia’.

Fact 12: Coastal plains are areas of lowlands that stretch along the shore and slope towards it. A typical example of coastal plains is the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The plain stretches from Florida to Nova Scotia.

Fact 13: A significant proportion of the world’s rivers are surrounded buly plains.

Fact 14: Plains occupy a significant proportion of the world’s landmass. About one-third of the Earth’s landmass.

Fact 15: All continents on earth have plains in one form or the other.

Fact 16: In North America, some plains are grasslands. These plain landforms are referred to as ‘prairies’. These types of plains often exhibit cold winters and warm summers

Fact 17: Mexico’s forested plain called ‘Tabasco Plain’ is home to all sorts of vegetation including shrubs and trees.

Fact 18: A tropical grassland plain is referred to as a  savannah. Savannahs are usually  warm all year round. They tend to have scattered trees.

Fact 19: The Serengeti plain is Africa’s major savannah.

Fact 20: Plains in the Arctic are often frozen. These plains are referred to as ‘tundra’.

Fact 21: Before a landform can be referred to as plain, it must exhibit the following characteristics:

– It must be a land

– The land must be flat, broad or slightly rolling

– It must be low in elevation in comparison to the surrounding landmass.

Fact 22: Plains are mild, grasslands-like biomes. Plains are one of the first biomes added to the game. There are two plain biome variants in the plain biome family.

Fact 23: Plains are mostly flat, with only limited, gradual changes in elevation. Plain landform surfaces are often covered with grasses.

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Fact 24: Although rarely found in the plains, Oak trees are the only source of wood in this biome.

Fact 25: Some patches of plains can grow various colors of tulips, and these patches (along with flower forests) are the only places where tulips may generate. Some of these tulips, azure bluets and oxeye daisies and may sporadically generate within the plains.

Fact 26: Most of the villages that spring up in plain biomes are made mostly of oak planks and logs; other villages across the world default to this plains style when their source of water is from natural resources such as rivers. Spawning of horses can be carried out in plains biomes and (along with savanna biomes) it is the only place where horses can spawn.

Fact 27: The Sunflower Plains variant has large numbers of sunflowers across its landscape, and is the only place where sunflowers may generate. It has been found that sunflowers are good sources of yellow dye and a makeshift compass, as they always face east. It is otherwise no different from the regular plains biome and horses will still spawn here, though villages will not generate.

Fact 28: Coastal plains can be near an ocean, river or lake and are separated from the interior land by a mountain or hilly range. A coastal plain’s fall line is the inland boundary where it meets the nearby landform and creates waterfalls or rapids due to eroding sedimentary material

Fact 29: Coastal plains are usually heavily wooded and provide important economic functions to surrounding regions

Fact 30: The Atlantic coastal plain, from New York to Florida, slopes towards the Atlantic Ocean and is a resource for lumber and fishing.

Fact 31: The Gulf Coastal Plain extends from south Florida to Mexico. The coastal plain of Israel boarders the Mediterranean Sea and provides a great source of agriculture due to its fertile landscape.

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Fact 32: Alluvial plains are a type of depositional plain formed over a long period of time by deposition of sediments by a river on flood plains or beds, which yields alluvial soil. This plain is characterized by a constant but small slope with little relief (local changes in elevation).

Fact 33: Erosional plain landforms are produced from the action of various agents of denudation on an existing landform. These agents of denudation – River, running water, glacier and wind, wear out the rugged surface on an existing landform and smoothens them, giving rise to low undulating plain landforms.

The Plain biome is the standard and most abundant plains variant. Plains take the second place after forests, when ranked on the basis of popularity. There are peculiar features that characterize standard plains biome in the game’s world generation. These can be summarized as: small forest biomes often generate in patches within large plains biomes. More often than not, small plain biomes generate in patches within large dark forest biomes.

Despite the relative calmness, survival in plain biomes can be a bit tricky due to the relative sparseness of the biome, though villages can serve as a temporary refuge if one is found. Because Oak trees are very difficult to come by in this biome, wood scarcity ensues.

Therefore, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that people do not tear down village houses for wood. Massive amounts of tall grass can prove to be a nuisance when building a shelter or when fighting hostile mobs. Fast means of travel include the use of tames horses. These allows dwellers to more efficiently explore their surroundings for more resources.


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