Pacific Ocean: Size, Formation, Depth, Islands, Currents, Climate

Pacific Ocean: Size, Formation, Depth, Islands, Currents, Climate

Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world in terms of weight and depth. It covers more than one third of the surface of the Earth and contains more than half of its volume of water. It is usually done, artificially, a division from the line of Equator: the North Pacific and the South Pacific….

Various Interesting Facts About the Arctic Ocean

Various Interesting Facts About the Arctic Ocean

The shallowest and smallest out of the five oceans, the Arctic, can be found in the northern hemisphere. Its name comes from the word ‘’Arktos’’ which means bear in Greek. Despite the cold, the territory in these waters has been fairly populated for around 20,000 years ago by Eskimos that of course, are physically and…

Various Interesting Facts About the Atlantic Ocean

Various Interesting Facts About the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is a huge mass of water covering about 16.7-20 percent of the Earth and covers a total area of ​​approximately 85,133,000 square kilometers. To get a clear idea about its size, it is important to note that it is slightly greater than half of the Pacific Ocean. This ocean has an average…

Various Interesting Facts the About Pacific Ocean

Various Interesting Facts the About Pacific Ocean

The Pacific is the largest ocean on Earth, discovered by Ferdinand Magellan. This huge mass of water is stretching from the Arctic to the Southern Ocean from the Bering Sea in Alaska to the Ross Sea in Antarctica. It binds with the Atlantic Ocean through the Bering Strait in the north and south across the…

What is Ecological Succession?

What is Ecological Succession?

Succession is a series of progressive changes in the composition of an ecological community over time. Succession is directional. Different stages in a particular habitat succession can usually be accurately predicted. Ecological successions are the noticeable changes that occur in an ecological setup over time. These changes are often predictable and take place in an…

Types and Causes of Mass Wasting/Mass Movement of Rocks

Types and Causes of Mass Wasting/Mass Movement of Rocks

Mass wasting can be defined as a geomorphic process. A geomorphic process is a natural course of weathering, erosion and deposition that causes alteration of the surface materials and landforms of the earth. Mass wasting is also known as slope movement or mass movement. It can be described as the potency by which certain landforms like…

What is Coriolis Effect and How it Affects Global Wind Patterns

What is Coriolis Effect and How it Affects Global Wind Patterns

‘Coriolis effect’ or Coriolis force can be defined simply as deflection of wind. Winds and ocean currents are in constant motion. This movement does not follow a straight line but bends and curves. This is the Coriolis effect which is noticeable in the curvature of global winds, and all that is free flowing across the…

Levels, Importance and Main Components of Food Chain

Levels, Importance and Main Components of Food Chain

A Food chain can be defined as the feeding relationship between the different organisms that make up our ecosystem. An ecosystem is a commune of living organisms. The ecosystem also includes the non-living components like, earth, water, fire, air and ether. The living and non-living together form the environment. Within the environment, the living or…

What is Flora and Fauna and Importance of Flora and Fauna

What is Flora and Fauna and Importance of Flora and Fauna

The physical world is composed of living and non-living things. They are generally referred to as the biotic and the abiotic. The abiotic is the physical objects like rivers, mountains, volcanoes and water-bodies. The biotic is the world of flora and fauna. Flora The word “flora” is used to designate plant life. The word “flora”…

10 Striking Reasons of Environmental Degradation

10 Striking Reasons of Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation can be defined as a risk to which the world is exposed. It is termed as pollution. Generally, the term pollution refers to contaminated air, water, soil, besides unclean and unhygienic living areas. Such conditions cause harm to human health and damage to non-human natural world. According to Wikipedia, “Environmental degradation is the…

Advantages and Importance of Reforestation

Advantages and Importance of Reforestation

Reforestation is the consequence of deforestation which according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, is a complete clearance of trees. Deforestation is usually planned and deliberate felling of trees and the land cleared is used for activities which are not related to the forest. The act of re-growing trees in an area or…

What is Rainwater Harvesting, its Importance and Various Methods to do it

What is Rainwater Harvesting, its Importance and Various Methods to do it

Rainwater harvesting is the storing of rainwater during the monsoon season for the purpose of using it during periods of water scarcity. Generally speaking, it is a process used for collecting and storing rainwater for human use. Rainwater harvesting is best described as the technique by which rain water is accumulated and stored with the…

Formation, Movement and Classification of Air Masses

Formation, Movement and Classification of Air Masses

Air mass is an extremely large body of air in the atmosphere whose properties – temperature, humidity and lapse rate, which is the decrease of atmospheric temperature with height, are largely uniform over an area which can be several hundred kilometers across the surface of the earth. Climate science defines air mass as a relatively…

What is Oceanography and What Does an Oceanographer Do?

What is Oceanography and What Does an Oceanographer Do?

That branch of science which deals with the physical and biological properties of the ocean and the various phenomena related to it is known as oceanography. It is the branch of Geography that studies the ocean and is also referred to as oceanology. Oceanography, as the name suggests, is that particular discipline of knowledge that…

What Causes Seasons and What are Different Seasons?

What Causes Seasons and What are Different Seasons?

Seasons are changes in weather conditions. A season can be defined as the distribution of a calendar year into phases that are marked by changes in temperature, precipitation, vegetation and duration of day and night. The seasons are linked with the position of the Earth in relation to the sun. The Seasons are generally divided…