25+ Great Green Tips to Go Green at Home


As the effects of climate change become rife, it’s prudent that people focus on living a greener lifestyle. Going green may sound like an expensive endeavor, but it’s actually very easy and cheap. Here are 25+ great green tips to help you implement a green lifestyle at home.

For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.
~ Martin Luther

1. Grow plants indoors

Plants act as natural air filters at home. In fact, certain plants have the capability to absorb toxic pollutants emitted from furniture, carpets, and electronic devices. Indoor plants like rubber plants, palm trees, and spider plants can help green your indoor environment.

2. Minimize the use of cleaners

Instead of using cleaning products, you can use microfiber cloths that are designed to attract and absorb dirt on their own. With damp microfiber cloths, you can clean virtually every surface in your home including wood, glass, stainless steel, and ceramics.

3. Invest in durable goods

Replace disposable stuff, such as razors, plastic cups, and paper plates, with reusable ones. Likewise, go for rechargeable batteries instead of the single-use types.

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4. Buy recycled products

Look for products that have the highest percentage of post-consumer recycled content. These may include writing paper, toilet tissue, and packaging papers.

5. Use the right fridge and freezer temperature settings

Be sure that your refrigerator and freezer are not working harder than necessary in a bid to conserve energy. Keeping your fridge at about 37 F and freezer at about -3 F will always deliver the desired results. Also, avoid leaving the fridge and freezer doors open.

6. Stop Leaks

One of the effective ways to manage your utility bills is by making your home as leak-proof as possible. You can achieve that by insulating, repairing, caulking, or sealing various leak-prone areas.

7. Focus on running a full dishwasher

A dishwasher uses only up to 50% of the water and energy you would use washing the same dishes by hand.

8. Completely turn off electronics at night

Consider plugging your electronic devices into a UL-accredited power strip. Then you can switch off all the devices at once when going to bed to prevent unnecessary energy consumption.

9. Ban smoking in your home

Cigarettes are loaded with toxic chemicals that can pollute indoor air. Moreover, you raise your risk of cancer when exposed to secondhand smoke. Therefore, never allow anyone to smoke in your home.

10. Grow your own vegetables

By planting an edible garden, you’ll be able to reduce soil erosion and minimize air pollution. Be sure to plant a water-efficient garden and avoid using toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers on your plants. Focus on using organic and earth-friendly inputs.

11. Compost kitchen wastes

You should put all kitchen organic matter, such as fruit peelings, tea leaves, and eggshells, in a compost pile or bin. This is an excellent way to reduce landfill. Mixed with yard trimmings, water, and presto, these kitchen scraps can create a nutrient-packed soil enhancer.

12. Harvest rainwater

Rainwater harvesting contributes significantly to water conservation efforts. You can use the water for washing as well as watering your garden and lawn.

13. Recycle e-waste correctly

E-waste contains different kinds of toxic substances, including mercury, lead, PVC, flame-retardants, and beryllium. Take your e-waste to certified recyclers to ensure the toxic substances are handled safely.

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14. Avoid using bottled water

Invest in water filter for purifying tap water. This will save you from buying bottled water, which is not only expensive but also generates massive amounts of container waste.

15. Manufacture your own cleaning products

Did you know that you can easily make very effective, environmentally friendly cleaning products at home? The ingredients are readily available, such as baking soda, lemon, and vinegar.

When you make your own cleaning products, you’ll be able to not only save money but also improve your indoor air quality.

16. Spread sawdust on your workshop floor before cleaning

When spread on your concrete workshop or garage floor and wetted down before sweeping, sawdust can effectively pick up dust without swirling it into the air and hence minimize indoor air pollution.

17. Wipe your feet before entering your home

Invest in several mats for your exterior doors to ensure everyone entering your home has clean shoes. This will significantly reduce the amount of grime being carried into the house. That translates to reduced disease-causing pathogens, reduced chemical cleaning, and enhanced indoor air quality.

18. Eat local, organic foods

Food is an integral component of your life, and hence one of the most significant ways to go green. You should realize that some of the food that you eat at home has come from thousands of miles away. And a good percentage of this food is unhealthy due to their production method. So, you’re better off eating local, organic foods.

19. Invest in a programmable thermostat

You can easily forget turning off your heating and cooling system when you’re going out. Programmable thermostats have been designed to save you from losses that would arise from such forgetfulness.

With a programmable thermostat, you can regulate the temperature of your house according to settings that you create in advance. This can help you to lower your energy use and save you lots of money in the long run.

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20. Try using solar energy

Increasingly many homeowners are investing in solar power, thanks to the fact that solar panels are an easy and effective way to go green at home. Whether you lease or buy the panels, you will be able to lower your utility bills significantly.

21. Embrace paperless transactions

You should realize that paper mailing are a massive waste in this century, especially with the increasingly advanced telecommunication technology. In fact, many utility providers and cable companies have resorted to providing online statements. If you haven’t done it yet, contact your service provider to change your preferences for receiving statements and other notices.

22. Avoid buying paper towels

You don’t need to buy paper towels every week, as it can end up building a huge pile of waste. You can instead buy several packs of microfiber towels for cleaning your stuff and cloth napkins for use at the dining table. Cloths cut from old garments can also make great cleaning towels.

23. Line dry your clothes

You don’t need to use a dryer. Dryers are one of the home appliances that consume the highest amounts of energy at home. You should embrace line or rack drying. This will not only save you a lot of energy but will also help you prevent water and air pollution from power plants.

24. Invest in LED lights

By replacing your traditional light bulbs with LED lights, you’ll be able to save a lot of energy and at least hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of the bulbs. It’s worth noting that LEDs can last up to 10 years.

25. Uphold cleanliness of your fridge coils

The dust that accumulates on your fridge coils can make it work harder than necessary to deliver the expected performance. So, be sure to clean backside and underside of the refrigerator on a regular basis.

26. Continue learning about green lifestyles

You should equip yourself with knowledge about green living and get to understand different ways to uphold a green lifestyle both indoors and outdoors.

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