15 Exceptional Water Diving Birds (With Pictures)

15 Exceptional Water Diving Birds (With Pictures)

To watch birds dive into the water and catch prey in the most stunning styles is a treat everyone would like to enjoy in their lifetime.  But what seems an effortless task for these water-diving birds, takes incredible techniques and strategies facilitated by their unique features. Curious to learn about these exceptional birds? In this…

How High, Fast and Far Can Turkeys Fly? (Answered)

How High, Fast and Far Can Turkeys Fly? (Answered)

Turkeys are large birds native to North America. They have been domesticated from as early as 800 BC and have become the main delicacy for special occasions like Christmas and Thanksgiving in America.   But have you ever wondered if these plump birds can fly? In this article, we are going to look at the flying…

15 Stunning Scavenger Birds (With Pictures)

15 Stunning Scavenger Birds (With Pictures)

Scavenger birds are subject to hate and despisement even from most bird enthusiasts. Often, you’ll find scavenger birds working on road kills and very busy near garbage heaps. When you see them, it’s easy to shoot or frown upon them, not knowing that scavenger birds play a vital part in our ecosystem.  And since scavenging…

Can Birds Fly Above the Clouds? (And in the Rain?)

Can Birds Fly Above the Clouds? (And in the Rain?)

There are around 10,000 different species of bird. A bird flaps its wings up and down to move forward and achieve lift. There are various ways it flaps its wings. What are they called?  Pigeons fly straight while continuously flapping their wings. In contrast, brown-eared Bulbuls and wagtails fly in an undulating pattern like drawing…

Do Eagles Fly Above Storms? (And Fly at Night?)

Do Eagles Fly Above Storms? (And Fly at Night?)

Have you seen an eagle soaring high in the sky? This magnificent bird is meant to fly high. Unfortunately, mountaineers and hikers breathe with difficulty at higher altitudes, with only one-third of available oxygen, but not the eagle. This is because they have large lungs, a dense network of blood vessels in their wing muscles, specially…

Can Osprey Swim?

Can Osprey Swim?

Ospreys are beautiful birds known as the sea hawk, fish hawk, or river hawk. The bird features large legs, hooked talons, and a reversible outer toe. Ospreys may also be able to close their nostrils when they dive into the water. The bird also has a slender body with a sharp beak to catch prey….

How Do Birds Mate? (And Do They Mate With Other Species)

How Do Birds Mate? (And Do They Mate With Other Species)

When birds are ready to mate, both males and females look for the best possible partners. After finding a suitable mate, the sex act is surprisingly quick. Most male birds don’t have penises; rather, both male and female birds have what’s known as a cloaca. The cloaca is an internal chamber with an opening, and…